
Bayesian tests, mostly focused around BF10 and BF01.

bayesfactor_binom(k, n, p)

Bayes factor of a binomial test with $k$ successes, $n$ trials and base probability $p$.


  • k::Int64: Number of successes.
  • n::Int64: Number of trials.
  • p::Float64: Base probability of success (range from 0 to 1).


  • binom_bf::Float64: The Bayes Factor quantifies the evidence in favour of the alternative hypothesis, where the null hypothesis is that the random variable is binomially distributed with base probability $p$.

See also


Adapted from a Matlab code found at The Bayes Factor is given by the formula below:

\[BF_{10} = \frac{\int_0^1 \binom{n}{k}g^k(1-g)^{n-k}} {\binom{n}{k} p^k (1-p)^{n-k}}\]




We want to determine if a coin is fair. After tossing the coin 200 times in a row, we report 115 heads (hereafter referred to as "successes") and 85 tails ("failures"). The Bayes Factor can be easily computed using Pingouin:

julia> using Pingouin
julia> bf = Pingouin.bayesfactor_binom(115, 200, 0.5)
julia> # Note that Pingouin returns the BF-alt by default.
julia> # BF-null is simply 1 / BF-alt
julia> print("BF-null: ", 1 / bf, "; BF-alt: ", bf)
BF-null: 1.197134330237552; BF-alt: 0.8353281455069175

Since the Bayes Factor of the null hypothesis ("the coin is fair") is higher than the Bayes Factor of the alternative hypothesis ("the coin is not fair"), we can conclude that there is more evidence to support the fact that the coin is indeed fair. However, the strength of the evidence in favor of the null hypothesis (1.197) is "barely worth mentionning" according to Jeffreys's rule of thumb.

Interestingly, a frequentist alternative to this test would give very different results. It can be performed using the SciPy.stats.binom_test function:

julia> using SciPy
julia> pval = SciPy.stats.binom_test(115, 200, p=0.5)
julia> round.(pval, digits=5)

The binomial test rejects the null hypothesis that the coin is fair at the 5% significance level (p=0.04). Thus, whereas a frequentist hypothesis test would yield significant results at the 5% significance level, the Bayes factor does not find any evidence that the coin is unfair. Last example using a different base probability of successes

julia> bf = Pingouin.bayesfactor_binom(100, 1000, 0.1)
julia> print("Bayes Factor: ", round.(bf, digits=3))
Bayes Factor: 0.024
bayesfactor_pearson(r, n[, tail, method, kappa])

Bayes Factor of a Pearson correlation.


  • r::Float64: Pearson correlation coefficient.
  • n::Int64: Sample size.
  • tail::String: Tail of the alternative hypothesis. Can be 'two-sided', 'one-sided', 'greater' or 'less'. 'greater' corresponds to a positive correlation, 'less' to a negative correlation. If 'one-sided', the directionality is inferred based on the $r$ value (= 'greater' if $r$ > 0, 'less' if $r$ < 0).
  • method::String: Method to compute the Bayes Factor. Can be 'ly' (default) or 'wetzels'. The former has an exact analytical solution, while the latter requires integral solving (and is therefore slower). 'wetzels' was the default in Pingouin <= 0.2.5. See Notes for details.
  • kappa::Float64: Kappa factor. This is sometimes called the rscale parameter, and

is only used when $method$ is 'ly'.


  • bf::Float64: Bayes Factor (BF10).

The Bayes Factor quantifies the evidence in favour of the alternative hypothesis.

See also


To compute the Bayes Factor directly from the raw data, use the pingouin.corr function. The two-sided Wetzels Bayes Factor (also called JZS Bayes Factor) is calculated using the equation 13 and associated R code of [1]:

\[\text{BF}_{10}(n, r) = \frac{\sqrt{n/2}}{\gamma(1/2)}* \int_{0}^{\infty}e((n-2)/2)* log(1+g)+(-(n-1)/2)log(1+(1-r^2)*g)+(-3/2)log(g)-n/2g\]

where $n$ is the sample size, $r$ is the Pearson correlation coefficient and $g$ is is an auxiliary variable that is integrated out numerically. Since the Wetzels Bayes Factor requires solving an integral, it is slower than the analytical solution described below. The two-sided Ly Bayes Factor (also called Jeffreys exact Bayes Factor) is calculated using equation 25 of [2]:

\[\text{BF}_{10;k}(n, r) = \frac{2^{\frac{k-2}{k}}\sqrt{\pi}} {\beta(\frac{1}{k}, \frac{1}{k})} \cdot \frac{\Gamma(\frac{2+k(n-1)}{2k})}{\Gamma(\frac{2+nk}{2k})} \cdot 2F_1(\frac{n-1}{2}, \frac{n-1}{2}, \frac{2+nk}{2k}, r^2)\]

The one-sided version is described in eq. 27 and 28 of Ly et al, 2016. Please take note that the one-sided test requires the mpmath package. Results have been validated against JASP and the BayesFactor R package.


[1] Ly, A., Verhagen, J. & Wagenmakers, E.-J. Harold Jeffreys’s default Bayes factor hypothesis tests: Explanation, extension, and application in psychology. J. Math. Psychol. 72, 19–32 (2016).

[2] Wetzels, R. & Wagenmakers, E.-J. A default Bayesian hypothesis test for correlations and partial correlations. Psychon. Bull. Rev. 19, 1057–1064 (2012).


Bayes Factor of a Pearson correlation

julia> using Pingouin
julia> r, n = 0.6, 20
julia> bf = Pingouin.bayesfactor_pearson(r, n)
julia> print("Bayes Factor: ", round.(bf, digits=3))
Bayes Factor: 10.634

Compare to Wetzels method:

julia> bf = Pingouin.bayesfactor_pearson(r, n,
julia> print("Bayes Factor: ", round.(bf, digits=3))
Bayes Factor: 8.221

One-sided test

julia> bf10pos = Pingouin.bayesfactor_pearson(r, n, 
julia> bf10neg = Pingouin.bayesfactor_pearson(r, n,
julia> print("BF-pos: ", round.(bf10pos, digits=3)," BF-neg: ", round.(bf10neg, digits=3))
BF-pos: 21.185, BF-neg: 0.082

We can also only pass tail='one-sided' and Pingouin will automatically infer the directionality of the test based on the $r$ value.

julia> print("BF: ", round.(Pingouin.bayesfactor_pearson(r, n, tail="one-sided"), digits=3))
BF: 21.185
bayesfactor_ttest(t, nx[, ny, paired, tail, r])

Bayes Factor of a T-test.


  • t::Float64: T-value of the T-test
  • nx::Int64: Sample size of first group
  • ny::Int64: Sample size of second group (only needed in case of an independent two-sample T-test)
  • paired::Bool: boolean Specify whether the two observations are related (i.e. repeated measures) or independent.
  • tail::String: string Specify whether the test is 'one-sided' or 'two-sided'. Can also be 'greater' or 'less' to specify the direction of the test.

WARNING: One-sided Bayes Factor (BF) are simply obtained by doubling the two-sided BF, which is not exactly the same behavior as R or JASP. Be extra careful when interpretating one-sided BF, and if you can, always double-check your results.

  • r::Float64: Cauchy scale factor. Smaller values of $r$ (e.g. 0.5), may be appropriate when small effect sizes are expected a priori; larger values of $r$ are appropriate when large effect sizes are expected (Rouder et al 2009). The default is $\sqrt{2} / 2 \approx 0.707$.


  • bf::Float64: Scaled Jeffrey-Zellner-Siow (JZS) Bayes Factor (BF10). The Bayes Factor quantifies the evidence in favour of the alternative hypothesis.

See also


Adapted from a Matlab code found at If you would like to compute the Bayes Factor directly from the raw data instead of from the T-value, use the pingouin.ttest function. The JZS Bayes Factor is approximated using the formula described in ref [1]:

\[\text{BF}_{10} = \frac{\int_{0}^{\infty}(1 + Ngr^2)^{-1/2} (1 + \frac{t^2}{v(1 + Ngr^2)})^{-(v+1) / 2}(2\pi)^{-1/2}g^ {-3/2}e^{-1/2g}}{(1 + \frac{t^2}{v})^{-(v+1) / 2}}\]

where $t$ is the T-value, $v$ the degrees of freedom, $N$ the sample size, $r$ the Cauchy scale factor (= prior on effect size) and $g$ is is an auxiliary variable that is integrated out numerically. Results have been validated against JASP and the BayesFactor R package.


[1] Rouder, J.N., Speckman, P.L., Sun, D., Morey, R.D., Iverson, G.,

  1. Bayesian t tests for accepting and rejecting the null hypothesis.

Psychon. Bull. Rev. 16, 225–237.


  1. Bayes Factor of an independent two-sample T-test
julia> bf = Pingouin.bayesfactor_ttest(3.5, 20, 20)
julia> print("Bayes Factor: ", round.(bf, digits=3), " (two-sample independent)")
Bayes Factor: 26.743 (two-sample independent)
  1. Bayes Factor of a paired two-sample T-test
julia> bf = Pingouin.bayesfactor_ttest(3.5, 20, 20, paired=true)
julia> print("Bayes Factor: ", round.(bf, digits=3), " (two-sample paired)")
Bayes Factor: 17.185 (two-sample paired)
  1. Bayes Factor of an one-sided one-sample T-test
julia> bf = Pingouin.bayesfactor_ttest(3.5, 20, tail="one-sided")
julia> print("Bayes Factor: ", round.(bf, digits=3), " (one-sample)")
Bayes Factor: 34.369 (one-sample)
  1. Now specifying the direction of the test
julia> tval = -3.5
julia> bf_greater = Pingouin.bayesfactor_ttest(tval, 20, tail="greater")
julia> bf_less = Pingouin.bayesfactor_ttest(tval, 20, tail="less")
julia> print("BF10-greater: ", round.(bf_greater, digits=3), " | BF10-less: ", round.(bf_less, digits=3))
BF10-greater: 0.029 | BF10-less: 34.369